Tag: mother’s day

  • Peter’s Commentary on the “Mother’s Day” Edition

    Peter provides some feedback on the sketches submitted for the 5/6/09 topic of “Mother’s Day.”

  • Mother’s Day Wrapup

    With a topic as rich and pregnant with possibilities as this, I’d hoped the warriors would have come from far and wide to toss their humor grenades into the ring. Then I remembered not *every* comedy writer has a Jewish mother. While being chosen isn’t a requirement for being funny ((Richard Pryor: non-Jew.)) and is…

  • The Line Between Mother and Other

    So, what becomes of the women for whom Mother’s Day serves no purpose…?

  • Chocolate?

    I try to mix things up on holidays and do things that are surprising, but sometimes it’s hard not to fall into a rut. Here’s a sketch that illustrates what might happen if you allow yourself to become boring…

  • Virgin Mother’s Day

    Jewish mothers never change. [fountain] EXT. DUSTY BAZAAR – DAY Various stalls selling food and goods provide the backdrop for a group of FOUR WOMEN in traditional dress of 2000 years ago. MARY wears a black band around her arm. Dissolving one into the next we see… Title: Galilee Title: 0 B.C. Title: Sunday, May…