FSW: The Three Bees
Okay, this one’s an odd egg. There are several jokes buried in here, but they’re targeted to specific audiences. I figure you either don’t get this at all, get pieces, or get everything. This might be my most layered piece yet. Now, whether it’s funny or not… David has already posted his piece for the…
Keith Olbermann Addresses the Guy Who Sat Behind Him at the Movie Theatre
Finally, as promised, a special comment for the guy sitting behind me at the 9:15 showing of “Iron Man” last night. I don’t assume for a moment that you are familiar with Ralph Waldo Emerson, sir, but there may be something for you to learn in his aphorism, “Life is not so short but that…
FSW: Bob’s Knob Shop
I fear I may be alone again this week, folks. Michael’s nuptials are here (if you’ve enjoyed his sketches in the past like I have, you should go on over and wish him and the bride luck) and David’s been up against a wall at work for a long while now. This might be a…
FSW: Man Down Edition
The day got away from me. End of the month is always hectic at work. Add in a little rehearsal, a lot of wedding stuff and you’ve got yourself a Sketch War without the “war”. Richard, The Universal Soldier, comes through as always with a topical sketch about the sleeper cell that is Rachel Ray.…
FSW: Rachael Ray, Terrorist!
Tough choice today. Most of the day, the topic below seemed the most obvious target. Then around 4:30 I heard Harvey Korman had died. I thought about trying to write a sketch in honor of his greatness, but I’m not worthy. I wanted to give him a sendoff fit for a king, but I’m just…
FSW: Office Edition
Richard’s playing doctor this week.Dave is quiet at the moment. Perhaps his still dreaming about his dream job.Your sketch is probably really funny. But since you won’t let us read it we’ll never know.I really wanted to have a Memorial Day themed sketch today. But that just seemed like too much work. So here’s my…
FSW: On the Couch
(Trevor lies on a couch, while behind him Mary sits in a chair taking notes. She is wearing a suit and glasses. Her hair is in a bun held together with a pencil.) MARYHow are you feeling today, Trevor? TREVORI’m okay. A little sluggish. Didn’t get a good night’s sleep. MARYYes? TREVORRestless. My dreams were…
FSW: Cop Out Edition
So I’ve been a little busy lately. And more than a little unfocused. So the sketch I was working on for today didn’t really come together. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to leave you empty handed. I have this play I’ve been working on forever. A comedy, of course. About a poor fellow who…
FSW: In the Coop
In the Coop(Two women wearing partial chicken costumes sit next to each other on nests on a raised platform. A conveyor belt runs beneath the platform, on which eggs occasionally pass.) MILDREDDid you hear? Esther’s boy came by her coop for Sunday dinner. RUTHMy Irving didn’t even call on my birthday and you should tell…
What Happens in Degas, Stays in Degas
(A WOMAN and MAN sit sullenly in a Paris café in 1876. The woman stares ahead drunkenly, a glass of absinthe on the table in front of her. The man smokes a pipe and stares offstage. They sit next to each other but don’t acknowledge each other. They are silent for several moments.) (Enter MARK…