Tag: state of healthcare

  • Peter’s Commentary on the “State of Health Care” Edition

    Peter provides some feedback on the sketches submitted for the 5/20/09 topic of “The State of Health Care.”

  • Medicine of the Future

    Peter’s take on the “State of Health Care” edition of Sketchwar: “Medicine of the Future”.

  • Stuck Between a Rock and a Bitch of Gurney

    Okay, I’ll admit it. This week’s topic is my fault. I don’t know. Blame it on my vast (negative) experiences with the medical establishment and years of having a chronic illness. For some reason, I now find pre-existing conditions, snarky nurses, biowaste, and medical uncertainty extremely funny. Either that, or at this point, its all…

  • Clean Bill of Health

    Oy. Not loving this one too much. I started in a trauma center and dumped that. Then I moved on to the barber shop. Then I decided I was so in love with an idea I had to shoehorn it in the middle here…you’ll see what I mean. I think there are two good sketches…