Tag: 3:34am

  • Friday Night Sketch War: 3:34am Edition

    Coyote is temporarily indisposed, and has left it to me to sum up the latest Friday Sketch War. Since I’m lazy, I’ll subcontract the job out to Mr. Joey Weitzman: Alright, this week they didn’t <bleep> around, they were all, “Yeah, we’re so <bleep>ing hard we can do any <bleep>ing topic we want.” So somebody…

  • Sketch War, "3:34am" Edition, Peter’s Entry

    Friday Sketch War 3:34AM Edition “Building Maintenance” BLACKNESS A light SWITCHES ON to REVEAL — INT. CONFERENCE AREA – NIGHT SANJAY walks into an ad-hoc meeting-space in a vast, dark office floor. It has a couple of couches and a coffee table. A projection screen (now blank) occupies a nearby wall. A large mechanical device…

  • Jared at 3:34AM

    INT. JARED’S APARTMENT, BEDROOM – NIGHT TITLE: MONDAY JARED sleeps alone. Young and nebbishy, at least what we can see poking from under the covers. An old-school FLIP CLOCK reads 3:33AM. It flips… …and three car alarms go off simultaneously. Jared pops up, reaches for the alarm clock, realizes the noise is outside. He lies…