Happy Birthday, Ken
INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Six white dudes sit around a table in a manly, meat-oriented restaurant. Glasses of beer sit at various levels of fullness in front of each man, a half-full pitcher in the center of the table. KEN That was great, guys. Thanks. DAVE It’s not over yet. KEN You mean? PETER Oh…
Spelling Bee
(A spelling bee. A banner stretches over the stage reading “The Rolaids Regional Spelling Bee.” Below it, several kids with numbers on their chests sit in folding chairs. One kid, SUSIE, stands at the microphone, her face clenched in concentration. An AUDITOR sits at a nearby table, waiting to hear her speak.) SUSIEMay I have…
FSW: Advertising Edition (Michael’s Entry)
FADE IN: INT. BANK TELLER LINE – DAY MARK, well dressed and handsome, is standing in line waiting to cash a check. He notices GARY, dressed in drab, ill-fitting clothes, holding a sack of change. Gary looks at his watch. MARK That’s a nice watch. GARY Oh, thanks. My mom got it for me. MARK…
FSW: Advertising Edition (Peter’s entry)
Friday Sketch War Advertising Edition “The ServTech Focus Group” FADE IN: INT. MEETING ROOM – DAY DAVE (30s, sharply dressed) and SAM (20s, nerdy) sit at a big table. Behind them sits an easel with a poster covered by a sheet. Dave has a clipboard on the table in front of him. Around the rest…
Advertising Edition: R.A.’s entry
INT. OFFICE – DAY TITLE – Mitchell-Bell, Inc. New York 1962 GARETH MACLAREN (early 30s, wan with thinning hair) sits opposite BARRY NEWCOMB (a late 20s go-getter with moviestar looks). Hair and suit styles are appropriate to the mid-1960s. Whenever he’s not speaking, Barry peers intently, like a detective divining motive. BARRY We’re not the…
FSW: Advertising Edition (Ken’s Entry)
Okay…I’m an idiot. Yes, I did briefly post this Friday, wondering why everyone else didn’t post yet. And then my tiny little brain went “oh yeah, this is the week we’re waiting until Monday” So…ummmm….sorry, and….my bad.Meanwhile, back at the ranch… What Superbowl would be complete without a car commercial, huh? So here’s my little…
Advertising: David’s Entry – Lie to Me Baby
INT. Conference Room Day Jerry Kline, (Balding, middle aged with thick glasses) stands at the end of a long table. Lined up at the table are a group of advertising gurus with briefcases open, laptops and Blackberries lit up and sharpened pencils at the ready.Kline turns to the white board behind him. KLINE The key,…
FSW: Borders Edition (Peter’s entry)
Friday Sketch War Borders Edition “52.3°N, 119.9°E” FADE IN: EXT. BORDER CROSSING – DAY A little hut occupies a desolate, rocky landscape. Truly the middle of nowhere. A worn sign reads “Border Crossing” in Russian, Mandarin, and English. LUBOV (Russian, subtitled) I spy with my little eye — INT. BORDER PATROL STATION – CONTINUOUS LUBOV…
FSW: Borders Edition (Ken’s Entry)
Wow….who knew I’d be the last one posting at 10:00 am Pacific time. This here sketch war is heatin’ up….(and welcome back Michael!)__________________________________________________________________ EXT. SOUTHWESTERN DESERT – NIGHT JUAN, JORGE and ESTEBAN, all three Mexican men in their early 30’s dressed in ragged dirty clothes, crouch-walk through scrub brush under a night sky, talking in…
FSW: Borders Edition (Michael’s Entry)
EXT. PARKING LOT – DAY A large, olive green tent is set up in a desolated parking lot. The remnants of burned out cars sit around it. The urban landscape is near ruin. There is a Red Cross painted on top of the tent. A long line of disheveled, sickly looking refugee-types are waiting their…