Author: elraica

  • Anything Goes on the Radios

    Some really fantastic sketches this week…and now here’s mine to muck it all up. I know very little about old time radio and absolutely nothing about the serials. So, I did something a bit different. One thought I had while writing this was, what might it look like if we were to transplant today’s pop…

  • ‘Cause I’m the Taxman

    Nothing like Bon Jovi, a mechanical bull, and molotov cocktails to liven up a party… [fountain] INT. WASHINGTON D.C. BAR – EVENING Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead or Alive” blares over the jukebox as dozens of inebriated POLITICIANS, CONGRESSIONAL LACKEYS, IRS AGENTS, and LAWYERS mob the bar. Some stand, some sit at tables, and some play…

  • Ire with a Muffin

    A few days ago, unsatisfied with sketch #1 (Girth), I wrote sketch #2 (Muffin). I liked sketch #2. However, in a whirlwind of insecurity, I decided to post the first sketch thinking that the first idea is always better. But then I reread the first sketch after I posted it and thought “what the hell…

  • Girth of a Nation of Dozens

    Okay, so I thought I’d post earlier than usual to avoid the end of the week pile up. Anyway, yeah…blame this one on sleep deprivation. Mad Max meets, well, a freakshow, if you will. Don’t know if its funny, but its definitely strange. Come to think of it, was that really a stamp I licked…

  • CSI: Supposably

    It’s a linguistic nightmare… (and forgive me if I went a little overboard – being a huge CSI geek, I was like a kid in a candy store) [fountain] INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COLLEGE CLASSROOM – NIGHT Flashlights light up the pitch-black hallway outside a college classroom. CSI HILARIO HECKERT, a middle-aged, stocky geek, and CSI…

  • Basketball, Bullies and a Blue Freeze Pop

    E.L. Raica comes to us this week with a tale of great athletes and the sacrifices they make. You’ve never seen young men leave it all on the court like this, I guarantee that. [fountain] INT. GRADE SCHOOL GYMNASIUM – AFTERNOON PLAYERS, PARENTS, COACHES, REFEREES, and CAMERA CREWS crowd together in a small, grade school…