Every Damn Day

Here’s Patrick Knisley’s take on the “Bar” edition of Sketchwar.


EXT. Lou’s Bar – Noon

JONATHAN waits outside the front door to the bar, his hands in his pockets.

A sign above his head reads “Lou’s.”

EMILY approaches and unlocks the door.

INT. Lou’s Bar – Noon


Starting with a Budweiser again today Jon?


You bet.

Jonathan turns his head to look out the bar window and watches JAKE come out of his front door, look dismayed, grab his hose and begin to hose down his car.

Jake goes back inside and grabs a bucket and rags and returns to wash his car in earnest.

Jonathan looks on disinterestedly.

TITLE: The Next Day

EXT. Lou’s Bar – Noon

Jonathan waits outside the front door to the bar, his hands in his pockets.

A sign above his head reads “Lou’s.”

Emily approaches and unlocks the door.

INT. Lou’s Bar – Noon


Get you a Budweiser Jon?



Jonathan turns his head to look out the bar window and watches JAKE come out of his front door.

Jake looks incredulous, yells a bit, runs back inside and grabs his bucket and rags and returns to wash his car furiously.

Jonathan looks on disinterestedly.

TITLE: The Next Day

EXT. Lou’s Bar – Noon

Jonathan waits outside the front door to the bar, his hands in his pockets.

A sign above his head reads “Lou’s.”

Emily approaches and unlocks the door.

INT. Lou’s Bar – Noon


Budweiser Jon?

Jonathan nods.

He turns his head to look out the bar window and watches JAKE come out of his front door.

Jake screams and curses and jumps around, races inside and returns with his bucket and rags and returns to wash his car excitedly while loudly gesturing.

Jonathan looks on disinterestedly.

TITLE: A Week Earlier

EXT. Lou’s Bar – Noon

Jonathan waits outside the front door to the bar, his hands in his pockets.

A sign above his head reads “Lou’s.”

Across the street Jake walks out of his front door and heads towards his car.

He turns to look at Jonathan and mumbles something about Jonathan being a drunk and useless, which Jonathan hears.

TITLE: Every Night Since

EXT. Jake’s Driveway – MIDNIGHT

Jonathan is on top of Jake’s car, drunk as hell, laughing madly and rubbing mud all over the car.