Pimp my TV (RA’s Entry)
EXT. CITY STREET – NIGHT A middle-aged black WOMAN cradles a bloody, lifeless young teen in her arms. WILL, a tall black teenager stands next to her. Sirens wail in the distance. WOMAN Will! Will! What have you done! CUT TO: CU on Will’s face. WILL Snitch got what he deserved. CUT TO: Medium shot.…
FSW: Pimp my TV (Ken’s Entry)
Looks like I got the honor of being the first warrior on the field of battle this week… So this week we had a little change up, and got our sketch inspiration from the Pimp My TV contest going on at Filmaker Frenzy (http://www.filmmakingfrenzy.com/sites/filmfrenzy_beta/ViewFrenzy.aspx?FrenzyId=18) . In the tradition of John Woo doing Mission: Impossible and…
Happy Birthday, Ken
INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Six white dudes sit around a table in a manly, meat-oriented restaurant. Glasses of beer sit at various levels of fullness in front of each man, a half-full pitcher in the center of the table. KEN That was great, guys. Thanks. DAVE It’s not over yet. KEN You mean? PETER Oh…
FSW: Advertising Edition Wrapup
Well frak if that wasn’t a hell of a war this week! To all the new visitors to Sketch War, welcome again. What you saw this week was a pretty good example of what we do around here every week, with a few minor modifications. We hope you enjoyed the sketches, and if you haven’t…
Spelling Bee
(A spelling bee. A banner stretches over the stage reading “The Rolaids Regional Spelling Bee.” Below it, several kids with numbers on their chests sit in folding chairs. One kid, SUSIE, stands at the microphone, her face clenched in concentration. An AUDITOR sits at a nearby table, waiting to hear her speak.) SUSIEMay I have…
Peter’s Commentary on the ‘Cartoons’ Edition
I’m finally writing commentary for the last month or so of Sketchwar. The January 10th war had the theme of “Cartoons”. I think “Cartoons” is the best war I’ve been in so far. It wound up being one of the best topics, certainly. Mr. Porter (AKA “Coyote”) suggested “Looney Tunes”, I proposed generalizing it, and…
FSW: Advertising Edition (Michael’s Entry)
FADE IN: INT. BANK TELLER LINE – DAY MARK, well dressed and handsome, is standing in line waiting to cash a check. He notices GARY, dressed in drab, ill-fitting clothes, holding a sack of change. Gary looks at his watch. MARK That’s a nice watch. GARY Oh, thanks. My mom got it for me. MARK…
Thoughts on sketch comedy
There’s a lot of sketch comedy out there, and a lot of ideas on what makes sketch work. Even on our little platoon of sketch-warriors, you can see different schools of thought at work in our material. I thought I’d kick out some of the guiding principles I use when I’m working on a sketch.…
FSW: Advertising Edition (Peter’s entry)
Friday Sketch War Advertising Edition “The ServTech Focus Group” FADE IN: INT. MEETING ROOM – DAY DAVE (30s, sharply dressed) and SAM (20s, nerdy) sit at a big table. Behind them sits an easel with a poster covered by a sheet. Dave has a clipboard on the table in front of him. Around the rest…
R.A.’s self-critique: Advertising Edition
My advertising sketch is yet another example of an interesting premise in need of editing. I seem to be producing a lot of these lately. It’s a simple blackout, but I dragged it out by inserting the second scene in 1992. I think it’s necessary for internal narrative cohesiveness, but lessens the overall impact. Way…