Tag: sketch war

  • Friday Night Sketch War: July 4th Edition

    The fireworks for our nation’s celebration paled in comparison to the fireworks on display in this week’s two-man dustup. Two warriors, using every weapon in their arsenals in an all-out battle for ultimate victory! Coyote launched the first attack, a Roman Candle of Vengeance, and a dozen Sparklers of the Undead… Michael retaliated with a…

  • FSW: Reaction Edition

    The gauntlet was thrown down and I tripped over it, but never picked it up. It’s been a long week and I thought I was being good by getting this sketch written the other day. I just couldn’t shift gears to the 4th mode fast enough. Maybe next week. However, if you want to read…

  • FSW: The Legend of the Fourth

    I decided to go with an Independence Day theme for this one, also challenging Michael to see if he could do the same. We’ll see what he comes up with later, but for now, please enjoy my offering. The Legend of the Fourth(Stan sits at the edge of his young son Seth’s bed, tucking him…

  • FSW: The Loan’s the Thing Edition

    Hey, hey! It’s still daylight out and I’m posting my sketch! Huzzah.Richard is already in the mix and should probably watch out for stray bolts of lightening this weekend.No word from Dave yet, but keep your eyes peeled because he could strike at any moment.Here’s my attempt to get back into the swing of things.…

  • FSW: Witness Protection

    (A gray, grimy interrogation room. One table, two chairs, harsh fluorescents. MARVIN HENDERSON sits nervously opposite DET. JASON DETWILER.) MARVINIt’s not fair. DETWILERLife’s not fair, Henderson. MARVINI need guarantees. DETWILERGuarantees? Haven’t you figured out from all of this that there are no guarantees in this life? Or the next? MARVINHe’ll kill me. You’ve got to…

  • Friday Night Sketch War: Round Twenty

    It’s been four long weeks since the last Sketch War summary, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some good sketches in the interim (and one very obscure one last week, sorry.) But this week we’re back at normal strength with a three-man knock-down drag-out donnybrook! So let’s get to it. David fired the first…

  • FSW: Short & Sweet Edition

    Dave was out of the gate early today rewriting classic movies. Richard is up and at ’em having some trouble with the law. I’m still on Pacific time, which is why mine seems late, but really isn’t.  It’s also why mine doesn’t seem funny, but really is. (Paul sits in a kayak, bobbing in the…

  • FSW: Trapezoid Traffic Stop

    (Harold and Debbie sit in their car, strobing blue and red lights shining through the rear window making clear their plight. At the wheel, Harold looks forlorn, Debbie irritated.) RADIO ANNOUNCER (O.S.)…come on in to Spiedermann’s Metal Gazebos. With every great bower comes great bronze stability! DEBBIETurn that off! (Harold kills the radio. A trooper…

  • Answer Key to Friday’s Sketch

    Okay. I realize I overreached so far on yesterday’s sketch that it appears I’ve had a stroke. To assure you all, the ASPBV (American Society for the Protection of Blood Vessels) monitored the writing of that sketch and no blood vessels were injured in the production. So here’s a quick legend: The patient is named…

  • FSW: The Three Bees

    Okay, this one’s an odd egg. There are several jokes buried in here, but they’re targeted to specific audiences. I figure you either don’t get this at all, get pieces, or get everything. This might be my most layered piece yet. Now, whether it’s funny or not… David has already posted his piece for the…